Simply Say it – LP

Simply Say it

Start very small, conquer your resistance and begin talking about your expertise.

2h individual workshop for shy perfectionists that want to share ideas,
not grow a massive audience.

Together we will…

Uncover a unique theme you can talk about with no research

Pick a format you’ll actually enjoy creating for a long time

select a distribution channel that makes sense to you

create a plan to start talking about what you already know

  • Friends and colleagues compliment you on your know-how, clear thinking and/or curiosity.
    But besides them, not many are aware of you and how much you know.
  • You love talking to other curious people.
    You always cherish those moments.
  • You are intellectually humble and never feel you know enough about your favorite topics.
    You learn continually because you cannot help it.
  • You value rigorous and original thinking. The people you follow online tend to convey this in what they share.
  • When you peruse advice about creating online content, most of it seems to be too salesy or gimmicky, suggesting tricks and systems that don’t entice you.
  • You’ve tried to post a little more but constantly second-guess yourself and struggle with deciding what to talk about or how to do it.
  • Perhaps you’ve even created some pieces of content that you are proud of but felt they did not get much attention. This was a bit demotivating.

You have valuable knowledge and
You would like to share it with others

You feel uneasy about it.

Why you should share
what you know:

build up your personal archive of your own ideas.

You can send the links to these posts to possible clients, during job interviews and even to people you admire and would like to meet.

Increase your online surface-area

Like-minded people are already looking for ideas you have. They will need a place where to discover you. Post online to make yourself easier to find to the people would love to meet.

Explore your own thinking

Discover what you actually think about concepts you’ve been pondering about. Arrive at insights you would not have unless you actually tried to capture them.

Discover your own voice

It has been a while since you could think about your own curiosities in a structured way. Work on your thinking and figure out what excites you. Enter those rabbit holes with a mission.

Why this is worth 2 hours of your time

  • Get out of the “I should post more online” phase
  • Discover ways to be present online that are aligned with who you are
  • Get a plan to actually do the work and create content you will be comfortable with posting

What we will do together

2 live sessions of one hour each.
Very easy to fit into a busy schedule and giving you time to reflect between them

not just a recorded presentation

What I’ll need from you

  • A desire to beat the resistance that blocks you from talking about your expertise
  • 2 hours of your time in total. 1 hour each
  • Your feedback at the end

Do this for both sessions