
I make your expertise more tangible to your clients

Broadly speaking these are the ways I do it:

Workshop creation & training

You have valuable knowledge that you need to make accessible and actionable. I help you create workshop formats that do just that and set you apart in a market full of look-alikes.

Knowledge Product coaching

You have some ideas for knowledge products (keynote presentations, games, visual frameworks and of course, workshops). I guide you towards making it a reality.

Conceptual architecture

This is the most abstract offering, but if you like this, you’ll really love it: you have an idea, a notion or explanation of reality and you want the world to know you for it. We will give it a shape and name and ways to make it travel far and wide.

All of these offerings exist at the intersection of Product Thinking, Design and Strategy. Given the same ingredients, if you have a specific need you do not see here, we can talk it over and see if there’s something we can do together.

Do you want to offer Workshops and expand your services portfolio?