About João

I help Consulting Companies launch new products & services using the lessons of the software industry

4 tenets of how I work

About my background

All the hats I’ve worn were about different sides of the same thing: making sense of complexity and shape the resulting clarity into actions.

  • I studied Industrial Design Engineering at a top 10 program in Delft (blue china, famous painting of a girl and her earring, great institute of technology) and went to work at a monster truck renting place in Amsterdam (they did other things around guerilla advertising, but this was the coolest).
  • I moved back home and had my startup moment in Lisbon (didn’t work out, learned about reducing risk in a disciplined way).
  • I moved away from home and worked as an innovation consultant in São Paulo (learned about how to make ideas move within corporations) and a workshop facilitator (learned battle-tested facilitation skills).
  • I moved again an became a graphic recorder in Curitiba (learned to be great at capturing and compressing other’s ideas). Then I started doing solo consulting.
  • I wanted to see how the sausage actually gets made and became a Product Manager at three fintechs back to back (learned to coordinate difficult things among lots of people under heavy regulation).