João Landeiro

new product development for consulting companies

Launch new consulting products

Turn your firm’s complex expertise and inconsistent processes into repeatable products

Most expert services companies struggle with this:

Every new project is customized

Adapting a project to a client feels like the next level of care. But it takes longer to scope, adds a lot of uncertainty and frames the problem on the client’s terms, not those of your unique expertise.

Clients don’t understand what you deliver

It takes a long time to convey what is it that your company does. In this process, clients get distracted, lose focus and give up on hiring your firm.

Lots of competitors do what you do

Knowledge is no longer rare. Other firms do the same thing you do and clients are realizing this. This puts pressure on your prices, delivery timeframes and countless other concessions.

The solution

Treat your services as products

Ready-to-go Consulting Products that are faster to close and delivery

Outcome-based offers that speak to your customer’s needs

Differentiated experience that sets you apart from other expert firms

About me

I’ve walked this talk:

I advise and get my hands dirty helping other consultants and consulting companies to make better bets on their services and product portfolios.

Worked as a Product Manager at three different Fintechs, from 200 people orgs to 1700+. Managed teams of developers, designers, and researchers.

Founded 2 different consulting companies and created products

Learn more about my background and how I think

Capture & Organize all the ideas you have

As a manager of an expert services your mind is bristling with ideas.
Too bad your schedule is such a hard master.

There’s too much to do and you never seem to have uninterrupted time to explore your own insight.

In a 2 hour session of we will download all your ideas and make them tangible for your team.

Evaluate & Select ideas before investing

Perhaps you already know where you want to go but want to make a confident decision.

You know you can develop these ideas in-house but need to make a sure bet before investing your team’s time.

In two sessions of two hours each, we will take a disciplined look at your backlog and make informed choices on what to take further.

Specify & Develop new products or services

You already know what to create but struggle with communicating that the people who will build it.

I will guide you and your team to specify, break-down and manage the development of new products or services.

I offer this service on a case-by-case basis.